Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Pool Is Being Dug

Finally, after much ado, the pool hole is being dug. It's exciting for Wayne and Susan to see this phase of the project get underway, as we move into the the crunch of the last month of finishing up the house.

There has been a lot more progress this week on the rock work on the exterior.

Here are Wayne's comments from their most recent trip to Wenatchee this week-end:
"A good trip to Wenatchee and we are very excited as we have about another month before completion of our home.

We confirmed the color of the granite for kitchen, baths, and small area in the den that was in stock at Precision Water Jet in Wenatchee. We also picked out the formica for the utility room and looked at window shades for master bedroom so they could be ordered and installed just before we close.

We carefully went over the schedule for remained of home project. Pool people, excavation company placing rock, landscaper, kitchen appliances, and fence installation all to be work in and around remaining home construction by builder.

Exterior solar screens have arrived on time, the pool and rear yard fencing has been shipped from manufacturer, and yes it appears most things are on schedule. When we actually see the pool we will be very relieved and this was causing concern with other contractor's time frames.

We requested several bids on our fence but only received one from fence contractors in Wenatchee and the material cost was over 3 times what I was able to get on the internet. I then decided to take on the fence project myself.

My brother a train engineer, my brother in law a postmaster, and me an appraiser and home inspector will complete the fence. A little fun in the sun and challenge our abilities although we have all built fences and have general building knowledge."


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Delays With The Pool Installation

Now that Spring is here it's time for the pool installation to begin so other landscaping tasks can be coordinated around it. Wayne has been having some serious issues getting Swim World to return phone calls. When a large deposit on the pool was put down last year with Swim World of Wenatchee, Wayne & Susan were assured they would be the very first on the job sheet this Spring. So far this is not happening and we're trying to get a straight answer as to why.

Kitchen cabinets have been installed and rock work is in progress on the exterior of the home.

Here is the latest e-mail I received from Wayne after a visit to Wenatchee earlier this week. - Carol Williams, agent
* * * * * * *

"Hi Carol,

I'm sorry we did not make lunch but we did meet briefly at the site and that was good.

Main reason for the trip was the pool situation and I feel much better even with the delays. Swim World still has not been straight but Dave filled in the gaps and appears very competent to complete the work needed for the pool. I feel a sense of trust talking with him. Also, good you know him even more trustworthy.

Granite people seem very on top of the project. They had slabs very similar or same in stock but still gave me a sample to final check with Sue. I liked that very much as it added professionalism.

The garage cabinets were 24 inches deep. Originally I was going to use 12 inch like kitchen upper cabinets but we decided to go 16 inch giving a little more room. Bagdon's made 24 inch that looked nice but felt big for garage wall. Rob put it simply, I will send them back in a heart beat, and we will be changing them to 16 inch.

The stone work is looking nice and so is the window trim and base moldings. Looking forward to see progress on Saturday or Sunday. I am planning Saturday, start early, check the house, and take you to lunch.


* * * * * * *

Remember: You can click on images to enlarge

Friday, March 16, 2007

Pool Update

Here is a note I received from Wayne about the status of pool installation:

They did not pour patio or pool equipment pad as Wenatchee Sand and Gravel was out of stock on the Ginger Color. Rob said should be by Friday.

Rob also talked with Dave the pool installer and he indicated digging should start toward end of next week. The pool was either ordered late or manufacture took longer than expected to make the pool. Another setback, but I called the landscaper and it actually works better for him to start a week later.

I made quite a few calls trying to fine tune schedules as we do not want any more delays in closing than anticipated at this point. Closing hopefully May 1st through maybe the 8th or 9th.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kitchen Cabinets Are On Site

Wayne called yesterday to tell me the kitchen cabinets had been delivered to the site, so I stopped by later in the day. Little difficult to take photos as they were jammed into the living room. But, here are a few shots.

Not sure what the installation schedule is. Will keep you advised.

Click on images to enlarge and get full view of colors and wood grain.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Follow-Up From Wayne

We decided to add a bit of color to the concrete or actually color to cement that will become concrete. Thought there would only be a couple of choices, Wrong. Rob called and said he did not want to make the decision.

I called Wenatchee Sand and Gravel this morning and got the web site for colors chart. The site is then color card drop down it is Color Flow.

Another decision bites the dust. 288 Ginger is the color of the day. Color chart in front of me, phone at ear, Sue on line, pesto! Decision is born.

Thought you might want to check out the site.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

More Thoughts From Wayne

We met with Rob (the builder) today as the sun started to shine. He also was concerned about the bank and encroaching fill dirt; as well as, their not taking care of run off from site. He plans to talk with builder and homeowner on lots to the rear in very near future.

Rob is planning to pour the patio, pad for propane tank, and pool equipment on Tuesday. We went over the grading in front, side walk, driveway, and porch.

The stone work around porch posts will bring size to 23 1/2 inch square. We are going to add a little color to the sidewalk, patio, pool skirting, and driveway of sahara beige. Stamp sides of driveway and strip stamp sidewalk.

We checked the grout for tile recommended by manufacturer and it was way too dark. We picked a new color about the color of a card board box.

He wants to put a little rockery behind the electrical boxes in front and this will be a shared cost. We will let Pipkin Excavating do this to stabilize area and be able to widen driveway near top.

It appears our minds are working well together on this project.


Wayne's Report

Here is some commentary from Wayne after their visit here this week-end:

"Looking out the window over the river as we Spring Forward into another chapter of home building. Not quite the home stretch but many exciting things happening with our home.

The lights are now functioning, paint on the walls, and all the windows have interior trim with rosettes. The hardwoods are down even though they are mostly covered with paper and 75% of the tile is now on the floors. A home is emerging as we move toward spring with longer and warmer days.

The site is graded and the driveway is laid out with a gravel base. We plan to talk with the builder today and make a few changes to the grading and talk about the bank at the rear. The rear of the site has irrigation water and a bank 6' to 8' above the level grade of the site.

We had decided on a 4' retaining wall out of architectural block and several larger rocks or boulders placed above to stabilize the bank area; as well as, to have access if necessary to the irrigation line running across the rear of the site. One of the builders to the rear adjacent to our site has been leveling their site that had a uphill slope and is pushing or pilling the dirt at the rear of our site. This is placing the fill at the edge of our property and has increased the bank elevation by at least 6'. Some of the dirt is already starting to slide onto our property. We are very concerned about this unstable situation and will be discussing this with our builder as we think it is a hazard and likely a land use issue impacting our property.

We spent several hours at the home and property looking at all the progress and making notes of items to discuss with the builder. About 45 to 60 days away from completion with many things starting to happen. We are carefully working with the builder and coordinating the excavation for the pool, setting of the large rock, landscaping, and the fence that is required and necessary for pool safety. We did agree and finalize the landscaping plan and have arranged for the landscaping to start the 1st week in April.

Let the building continue as we are getting excited about moving into our new home."


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lots of Progress: In & Out

I met Wayne and Susan at the home site today. Since I had been on vacation in the sunny south for about 7 weeks, I had not seen them (or the house) for quite a while. The progress is amazing. While I was away, my assistant Shelley (hamming it up in the driveway) took a few pictures to keep things logged.

Since my last post, there has been lots of interior and exterior work done. The grading of the driveway and rest of the yard is pretty well done. Wayne and Susan spent quite a bit of time in the yard discussing what they have planned. Lots of rock, in all sizes, with a little grass in front. Pool in the back yard.

We're still not sure how the bank in the back is going to be dealt with because the neighbors from above have piled dirt at the very edge of the lot and we're concerned about it sluffing off during wet period. There will be a 4 foot retaining wall across the back (east) edge of the lot but the bank is quite a bit higher than that. You can see in the picture to the upper left.

A lot of interior work has been going on. It's a difficult time to take pictures. All drywall and painting is done. Hardwood is in living room and tile is down but no grout yet. Lots of finish work to do, but overall quality is looking great.

I will see if I can get some comments from Wayne about their impressions of the progress for this post.
