Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lots of Progress: In & Out

I met Wayne and Susan at the home site today. Since I had been on vacation in the sunny south for about 7 weeks, I had not seen them (or the house) for quite a while. The progress is amazing. While I was away, my assistant Shelley (hamming it up in the driveway) took a few pictures to keep things logged.

Since my last post, there has been lots of interior and exterior work done. The grading of the driveway and rest of the yard is pretty well done. Wayne and Susan spent quite a bit of time in the yard discussing what they have planned. Lots of rock, in all sizes, with a little grass in front. Pool in the back yard.

We're still not sure how the bank in the back is going to be dealt with because the neighbors from above have piled dirt at the very edge of the lot and we're concerned about it sluffing off during wet period. There will be a 4 foot retaining wall across the back (east) edge of the lot but the bank is quite a bit higher than that. You can see in the picture to the upper left.

A lot of interior work has been going on. It's a difficult time to take pictures. All drywall and painting is done. Hardwood is in living room and tile is down but no grout yet. Lots of finish work to do, but overall quality is looking great.

I will see if I can get some comments from Wayne about their impressions of the progress for this post.


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